This blog sucks. The writers suck, the stories suck, and the response sucks.
Maybe there was a time when TheALCrew didn't suck as much as it does now,
But lack of interest, non-committing writers, and sheer laziness got this blog to it's current level of suckage.
So as of today, I'm ending this blog's 8-month run.
It's officially retired.
I won't delete it, cause it's fun to go back and read about the days before the great plight of suckiness, you know, June/July 2009, the good old days?
So, yes, it was fun, and I'd like to virtually hug everyone that ever helped TheALCrew achieve it's level of semi-greatness.
Thanks for the ride!
Rainbows, sunshine, and A-L forever,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Guess who's back?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Special Report: Addicted to A-L?
(Excuse the absent banner, it's under construction.)
We had a discussion today in A-L on the subject of addiction to A-L.
Report. posted an article about it. Here's a paragraph.
"In addition to having features of a process addiction, Internet use might be reinforced by pleasurable thoughts and feelings that occur while the person is using the Internet. Although researchers in the field of addiction studies question the concept of an "addictive personality" as such, it is possible that someone who has one addiction may be prone to become addicted to other substances or activities, including Internet use. People with such other mental disorders or symptoms as depression, feelings of isolation, stress , or anxiety, may "self-medicate" by using the Internet in the same way that some people use alcohol or drugs of abuse to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental disorder."
I posted a quiz, at
Many A-Lers posted their score, most members ranging from 9, at the lowest, to 86, at the highest.
It got me thinking about the cause of the problem. I guarentee there are more addicts in A-L than FC or OC, due to A-L's obsession with popularity. Everyone wants to belong. It's human nature. And in A-L, if you're popular, or even well-known, you belong in A-L and you're accepted. Typically the popular people are so obsessed with being accepted that they devote more time then necessary to A-L in attempt to become popular. And that, is what causes addiction. Addiction to the internet, and addiction to popularity. it really worth it?
Looking for help? Try these sites, posted by Report.:
We had a discussion today in A-L on the subject of addiction to A-L.
Report. posted an article about it. Here's a paragraph.
"In addition to having features of a process addiction, Internet use might be reinforced by pleasurable thoughts and feelings that occur while the person is using the Internet. Although researchers in the field of addiction studies question the concept of an "addictive personality" as such, it is possible that someone who has one addiction may be prone to become addicted to other substances or activities, including Internet use. People with such other mental disorders or symptoms as depression, feelings of isolation, stress , or anxiety, may "self-medicate" by using the Internet in the same way that some people use alcohol or drugs of abuse to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental disorder."
I posted a quiz, at
Many A-Lers posted their score, most members ranging from 9, at the lowest, to 86, at the highest.
It got me thinking about the cause of the problem. I guarentee there are more addicts in A-L than FC or OC, due to A-L's obsession with popularity. Everyone wants to belong. It's human nature. And in A-L, if you're popular, or even well-known, you belong in A-L and you're accepted. Typically the popular people are so obsessed with being accepted that they devote more time then necessary to A-L in attempt to become popular. And that, is what causes addiction. Addiction to the internet, and addiction to popularity. it really worth it?
Looking for help? Try these sites, posted by Report.:
Thursday, December 31, 2009
"It's creepy, is she a pedo?"

DanPuffs may write for some gigantic blog and he might be biffles with all the elites, but he's in A-L, and he has to play by our rules.
After a nice couple days of him pushing everybody around and launching into violent attacks on innocent members, he was banned.
Weither he will stay banned or not, is up for debate.
So the other day, I was screenshotting Dan in tinychat, to post here and prove he's a boy. I took the story down, as per his request, and he in turn, made a topic titled with my username.
"Shes so obsessed, she took screen shots of me in tinychat and intended to post them, she's crazy and if anyone needs to be banned it's her for endangering other members by taking pictures of them and doing gods knows what with the pictures. It's creepy, is she a pedo?"
Sunday, December 27, 2009
A-L's Going Award-Crazy.

We never covered this, but Spicychic18's A-L awards went out to...
Nicest Member: Mickey1956 & Meganbearrrx3
Meanest Member: mkarox
Best AL Story Writer (s): Rainbowgirl34 & BridgetD96 [WOO! I'm so glad that ended in a tie, I hated there to be rivalry between Alli and I.]
Most Creative Medoll: Utada.Hikaru
Most Beautiful Medoll: Lili252 & Chinupchick
Most Original/Unique Medoll: Maddisaphire [Shout out to Mickey1956]
Happiest ALer: indygirl876
Annoying ALer: Shoffocake.
Best Blog:
Best Blog:
Best Managers of AL: Spicychic18 & _Ztar77
FiFiBanana is insisting on making her own award ceremony.
Anyone remember this argument?
A week ago?
FiFiBanana: The A-L awards is a bunch of crapola.
BridgetD96: Someone didn't get any nominations...
FiFiBanana: I REALLY couldn't care less if I were nominated or not. In the last version I won plenty of them, and i really didn't give a rats arse.
BridgetD96: Yes, and in the last version, were you going around calling it a bunch of crapola?
Rainbowgirl34: Stop telling yourself BS, for reassurance hun. We all know you're one pathetic ass-kisser who would strip live if it meant covergirl votes. Sυck it.
So is this her method of reaching the fame she's desired since day one?
How amusing.
Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
By the way, this is the blog's 7th month birthday!
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The most hated A-Ler is... -drum roll-
Shocker, right?
The second most hated A-Ler...
Ive never heard of her, but she got the second highest number of votes.
And there we are. Top five most hated.
I would also like to say, my account DJdangergirl has been deleted and I am now on a quite noob-ish looking account called TheSadness. So yeah, I hope that this change wont confuse readers and A-Lers, but if it does, there's nothing much else to be done.
I'm going to start putting much more time into my posts from now on and I'm going to try to put pictures of medolls and such also.
Thanks for reading this awesome blog "TheA-LCrew"
Shocker, right?
The second most hated A-Ler...
Ive never heard of her, but she got the second highest number of votes.
And there we are. Top five most hated.
I would also like to say, my account DJdangergirl has been deleted and I am now on a quite noob-ish looking account called TheSadness. So yeah, I hope that this change wont confuse readers and A-Lers, but if it does, there's nothing much else to be done.
I'm going to start putting much more time into my posts from now on and I'm going to try to put pictures of medolls and such also.
Thanks for reading this awesome blog "TheA-LCrew"
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
A-L's Best Dressed -- Special Report

Starting with...
Lili252 (left) has an ample collection of rares and designer pixels, toss in a seemingly endless closet, good taste, and Silvia’s a shoo-in for the list. She’s even got a talent for designing!
N1mka4eva, (right) as hated as she is, has a major sense of style. She’s bold, artistic, and original, and this list wouldn’t be a Best Dressed List without her.
xxSjBbixx (left) is a style icon, if only by her posts in A-L. Although she doesn’t change her medoll religiously as some of us do, she’s known for her interest in everything fashion.
Alma_diamant (right) easily makes the list, with her neverending supply of fashion genius, complete with a natural eye for putting together show stopping outfits.
Jenna_xx (left) has an eye for style. She’s been known to pair together unexpected pieces, while still keeping her medoll’s trademark casual look. She proves that you don't have to be high-fashion to look good.
Rachweee123 (right) is another define best dressed, with her eye for trends and constant updates, always ontop of the latest style with elegance and uniqueness unmatched by any other A-Ler.
Sahar_star, (left) although she’s been MIA lately, has always been one of A-L’s biggest trendsetters. She’s famous for her layering, creativity, and original spin on every outfit.
Utada.Hikaru (right) is another style icon of A-L, as the Lady GaGa of stardoll. Megg's always creating a new trend or another, flaunting the latest collection, or trying something no one's ever seen before, She’s even got a killer medoll-of-the-day to boot.
Last but not least, a round of applause for BabyRachie, another contender for A-L’s best dressed, with her eye for trends and original twist on each day’s getup.
So...tell me!
Who was The Most Creative?
Biggest Trendsetter?
Best Everyday Outfit?
Biggest Style Icon?
Runway-Worthy Outfit? you think YOU should have been on this list?
Who should be on this list?
Who shouldn't?
Speak, A-L, speak!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Why Is Everyone So Negative?

The negatives. Is that all we have to talk about nowadays? People are bagging on themselves, which in reality, they are just fishing for compliments, while others are defending themselves and it's turning into something huge. What are you gaining from calling Lila names? Her life isn't affecting yours, so just leave her alone. So, since you've never made any mistakes in your life, you have every right to call her a name. (Sarcasm intended.) Next time you make a mistake, I'll be sure to never let you hear the end of it.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
10 Questions With Breanna357

Yet another interveiw.
What's your real name? Carissa.
How old are you? 11
When did you first join A-L? Decenmber 08
Have you ever attempted to leave A-L? Yes.
What's the newest message in your stardoll inbox? From bizz97. "ZAP."
If you could ban one person from A-L, who would it be? Bell457
If you could meet one A-Ler in real life, who would it be? Spchick4949
What was the last topic you posted in? I don't know.
What is one thing the people of A-L don't already know about you? My real name.
When, or if, do you think you'll leave stardoll? When I grow out of it.
Monday, November 30, 2009

Okay maybe I'm over exaggerating, but i logged on and everyone was chattering about calling so and so and getting called and what not. So i have tried to rack up as much information as possible, so here it goes.
So uwishuwasmygf made a topic saying she was getting calls from someone who claimed to be on stardoll stalking her and that there was a white van in front of her house. Then DazzleMeSoftly started saying she was getting calls too. All A-L got freaked out thinking they were going to get calls and such and GuiltFree started getting blamed, she claimed that it was not her. So the truth...

Sorry that its fuzzy and such. Just click on it to see it clear.
So things turned out okay after all, though dazzlemesoftly is not on great terms with everyone.
I apologized if i left part of the story out. Comment if you have anything to add.
Interveiw Of The Day!

[Did some of these answers suprise you?]
An Interveiw With ScareyC
What's your real name? Olivia
How old are you? 13 years old.
When did you first join A-L? 22 September 2007
Have you ever attempted to leave A-L? Nope.
What's the newest message in your stardoll inbox? This one. Apart from that, a msg from stardoll about some BFF code...
If you could ban one person from A-L, who would it be? n1mka4eva. I already once started a topic petition to ban her and it worked...then she was unbanned.
If you could meet one A-Ler in real life, who would it be? Umm..No one..I like the idea that i will never see these people in my life ever.
What was the last topic you posted in? ''GOSSIP GIRL VERSION OF TWILIGHT..CHUCK BASS''
What is one thing the people of A-L don't already know about you? Umm...I'm crap at maths? xD
When, or if, do you think you'll leave stardoll? When I get bored. Or when im old enough [like 17] and have better things to do with my life.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
6 Months Of Blogging!

It's this blog's sixth month anneversary today.
Six months of drama, gossip, fueds, friends, and everything that keeps us together.
This club is just so, so strong. We've been through it all together. Although we might never meet face to face, we're a family, that sticks together no matter what. We support eachother, we love eachother.
And when it's finally time for some of us to leave, we can move on, knowing we're still The AL Crew forever.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
mkarox vs silverglam

The conflict continued, with Catherine coining the term 'silvercrap'.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Undefined. is a hacker/scammer

I know right? How did it take me so long to figure it out. Undefined. as she is now callled, has also been refered to as Kristen, Alex, Mary, Be-blue and karla787696 She's sold the last 2 accounts so don't go spamming them k? So far i'm pretty sure she has hacked me, and has scammed me and kkzoey aswell as hacking a few other a-lers. It's late, so i can't be assed posting the full story. I will do so when i can be bothered and when i know more.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Jenna Posting Nude Pictures?

I thought we were done with all of this inappropriate stuff? Guess what? Now, we are back on it. Jenna (Jenna_xx) has been posting pictures of naked celebrities, like Leighton Meester and Ashley Greene. Also, she is posting pictures from that Tinychat experience the other day. You weren't there? People were exposing themselves on the webcam, and Jenna screenshotted it.
Link to see Jenna's TOPIC.
Jenna_xx; is she really breaking the law?

Most of you will know by now about the fiasco with jenna and porn/naked celebs. Some people say that its child porn (wtf? it was ashley greene and leighton meester) others say that it's not porn because it doesn't have anything sexual about it. I don't think she's broke the law there, but i found something else a bit worrying which may be breaking the law. It's water marked because noone else has found it yet :D

ashley greene,
leighton meester
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