Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Double Trouble!

1] Is Cori Shoisback.? She was posing as Sho/ Sarah, then turned herself in as being Cori. Most people, including myself are believing that she is a poseur. When she was asked to log into MSN for proof, she said no. And isn't the real Cori at camp?

2] What is with all the hate on Rachweee123? Ten minutes after she logged on, tons of fake accounts (and real accounts) pounced on her, saying things that none of us were aware of. She denied everything. This carried on throughout the evening, she didn't have any ass-kissers and none of her friends were defending her. She finally gave up fighting and deleted her account. She'll be back.

Monday, June 29, 2009

AL's Take On AWARDS...

Well, this was no 'Elite' guestbook party!
Well, unless the elites spend their parties getting drunk, pole dancing, smoking weed and ripping off their clothes...
That's AL for you.
If you missed the party, you'll get a laugh out of cutepiemormor's guestbook history.
I'm not even sure what the "awards" were about, but it turns out they were some outfit-judging thing.
Any news?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My, How We've Grown!

In a few days, it'll be this blog's one-month annaversary.
I want to thank everyone who's ever commented, voted, recacted, reported and read for this blog.
A special shout out to my fabulous reporters--a few people who send me daily updates about everything I've missed in the club.
Of course, Ruby and Ashley, my guest bloggers.
We've really grown into one of our clubs most known blogs!
We now have 13 subscribers!
Great job, guys!

Friday, June 26, 2009

We didn't miss you...


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the owner and/or managers carelessly let in Sarah/Sho, under a new account. You heard it here first. Apparently she couldn't even stay away a complete 24 hours.

In My Humble Opinion...

I rarely offer my opinions on matters like this,
I prefer to stay neutral and just report, but this time, I can't help it.
There is no way Sho is a girl.
His proof pic looks like a guy.
Tyler hasn't even made a scene yet.
And how could he have gone on this long as a girl?
I think it's all a joke.
It'll last a few days, then he'll declaire he's actually a guy, and we'll all hate him.
In the meantime, he's banned.

Triple Whammy.

Let's go ahead and lay on a double whammy here;

1] Sarah/ Sho has been banned from Animal-Lovers. She has been reportedly posting in OriginalClub now.

2] Ana (..o_O..) is back on the Stardoll scene. She lasted 3 days without going online. Failure to quit. I swear, Stardoll is like cocaine.

3] Cori (C0Rii.R0X) and Sarah (Shoffocake.) have broken up. Cori would rather have a relationship with RL Alex than Sarah online.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This one isn't a 'Thriller'....

The legends. The loss. The coverage.

Michael Joseph Jackson, pop legend and king of music, has passed. And Animal-Lovers hasn't missed a beat. At one point, every topic for 3 pages was somehow related to his death, mourning or laughing. He lived from August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009. He was proclaimed to suffer cardiac in his home, suddenly. Paramedics were reported to rush to the scene, where he had no pulse. He was rushed to UCLA hospital, where fans and paparazzi swarmed later. Entertainment tonight officially took the last picture of him still alive. He was rehearsing for his comeback tour in Los Angeles just the night before, seeming to be perfectly fine. The tour was to take place in London less than a month later.

He debuted his career at 11. He had countless hits and awards. His real life still remands a mystery. His soul is gone, but his music lives on. Keep him in your thoughts. Pray for his family.

Sho is Sarah !?!?

Sho has released that she is indeed a girl, picture and everything. Most people aren't surprised. No one really cares now that the news has been released that pop legend Michael Jackson is no longer a living legend. If she wanted attention, she should have released it later.

And guess what?
Cori and Sarah are dating. After the big 'I love Alex' (a boy she was 'in love with' that she knows in real life) controversy, she has gone to her lesbian roots and decided to buckle down and date Sarah. Cori often bashed people for online dating and said she would never do it herself. Hypocrite. It is like the Tiiiiinkerbell plan, but it is absolutely real. Post your thoughts in comments, I know you have them. I am in shock right now.

Picture: i43.tinypic.com/2dln9k2.jpg

Discussion: http://stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?page=0&id=1223790&topicId=12376685

It is 16:57 In club Animal-Lovers...

And I am getting sick of this fad VERY FAST.
Thanks a lot, Prettyweirdo, who started the whole irritating trend.

Speaking of OUT, Fay, on her new account Ungay has declared that "AL stuff=OUT".
No one agreed, in fact, the responses were mostly, "Ungay=OUT."

Speaking of Fay, where did the name "Ungay" come from?
Could she just not think of somthing better?

Speaking of bad ideas, Chlpe is back...or just another Chlpe poser.
I thought we got rid of her!

Speaking of returning ALers, ..o_O.. was spotted online today.
Knew she couldn't stay away.

That's your daily update of pointless information.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Aniaml-Lovers Awards!

This was just released by Poseur.Beauty!
I can't wait!
Remember...that's 12:10-12:40 Pacific, so you're in central time it starts at 1:10, mountian time zone, it's 2:10 and if you're in eastern, 3:10. Sorry for all you international ALers, I'm not sure what time it is for you.
Still confused? http://www.time.gov/

Are you going?
What are you wearing?
Lemme know in the comments!

Party is changed to MONDAY!
Same time!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cori-O's and Shoflakes

Cori and Sho's new love for eachother. Expressed bluntly and passionately in Animal-Lovers.
Isn't Sho gay?
Frankly, I find it quite disgusting.

3 is better than 1.

Did you miss me?

It was bound to happen...the return of Cori. Funny, cause she promised me in her guestbook she wasn't coming back. Well, she did. Three times. Coriisback1, and when that got banned from Animal-Lovers, she then made another named Coriisback2. And now...Coriisback3. She proved they were her accounts in a live broadcast. Thoughts?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Now Aubrey's Got A Story!

X.Aubrey.X--she's only been in this club for about a month, and already her face is famous. (It's clear why!)

And now, just like Tyler, she's got a story about her by AubreysHotBF (who else?)

This time, everyone's in it, from Allie to Maddie to Lila to Sho and Tyler, and even a suprise appearence by Fakeshake3.
I couldn't tell you what the story is about--it's all over the place..somthing about Cory and Aubrey having sex in a dumpster....
That's your Gotta-Love-AL report of the day!

Another One Quits Stardoll.

Who is it this time?
..o_O.. left stardoll with the message, "Really? What happened? I'm leaving, because this is just stupid.It's like everyone went crazy. BYE."
Half the population is convinced they'll see her tomarrow.
I mean, seriously, who has quit?
They ALLLL come back.
Let's wait and see.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A-L TShirts!

First time OC's thought of somthing before us!

Speedpuppy, meanyboy, Utada.Hikaru, and some others have now released AL shirts.

They're selling!

It was all a joke.

How very, very, very typical.
Shoffocake--I frown unpon you.
It wasn't funny.
Shame, shame, shame.

Prediction--Sho's the next Cori.

Sho already has no one left.
Here's a quote from Lila, "I dunno what to say anymore. Who else did you use, Sho?"
Another from Maddie, "If you enjoy the little attention you get out of this, that just proves how much more pathetic you are."
Even his widly known besties have turned on him.
Basically, he's screwed.

His presentation even changed from "Sho loves Tyler" to "Sho is cool."

Petions have started to ban him.

Here's the first topic. http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?page=0&id=1223790&topicId=12268567
98% of them are haters.

Shoffocake--the next C0Rii.R0X?


Tyler and Sho are OVER.
Yes, i know.
Sho was the one who ended it first, but I'm still questioning WHY? He is quoted saying "I admit that I Used Tyler For Attention, I never loved him. And I think Ill Live."
Well, that sucks for Tyler. He really loved him. That wasn't a lie.
Now everyone hates Sho.
He was even putting up ads for a new BFF.
I can't help thinking...is this all an attention sceme?
Are Sho and Tyler still together, laughing about this?
I'm still in shock.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

God Comes To Stardoll...?


I don't think this has been done before...an account claiming to be GOD.
Normally I would be offended, but this one was just so pathetic I had to laugh.

Take a look at some of God's Little List Of Sin:
4. Smily Faces
6. Ugly Medolls
9. Lady GaGa
14. Big Numbers

As meyoop helpfully points out, "WTF? SMILEYS AREN'T SINS! If they were, then 33,622,184 members of stardollare going to Hell!"

That's my sick little laugh of the day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cori's not back, but the talk is.

It was peacefully quiet in Animal-Lovers when a user posted that Cori was trying to be 'popular' in OriginalClub. Curious and wanting to do a little sleuthing, I went to check it out. Sure enough, she was burning her name into their brains. Plus, none of them seemed to like her. The managers soon began deleting her topics, so she left to go bother another club. Upon my arrival back to Animal-Lovers, a topic that shouted 'PROTEST TO BRING CORI BACK! ♥' grabbed my attention. Being the clever soul I am, I created an almost identical topic named 'PROTEST TO KEEP CORI BANNED! ♥'. Sure enough, I started to get signatures. Seems like Cori may be gone, but the hate is still there. When will it end? Leave your comments. (:

Hate protest topic (copy & paste into your browser & sign your name): stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=12225294

A Tyler/Sho Kiss Ass Wrote A Story!

The user: skylerxtylersGF
The topic: ME AND SKYLERXTYLER (story 12+)

Sho's a main character, of course, but Posuer.Beauty and Phebec make surprise appearances as the main character ('Ashley')'s sister.

Tyler and Sho (the REAL users!) add commentary throughout, like "I don't SQUEAL!"

Other readers constantly remind Ashley--"LMAO! Tyler is GAY!"

Unforch, the story was never finished--Ashley probobly got pissed and logged off.
I'll keep tabs on it and let you know when more is written.

Here's the full topic: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=12224229

In other news...

Some ALers were at an OC drunken party (VERY amusing!)
Cori says she doesn't want to come back to AL...and yet the OCers are dissing her.
DanPuffs has been hanging around AL lately. Um....why?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Shutter Shades Battle!

I usually don't report on starplaza, but a huge debate is taking over AL right now. Kanye's shutter shades have finally come to starplaza.

Poseur.Beauty wants us to go anti-shutter shades: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=12170745
Chloeee-x votes YES! http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=12170969
As Speedpuppy sums it up:
So what do you think?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Stardoll is going to SafeChat?

Upon logging out late Sunday night, I went back to Animal-Lovers just to check in. I was surprised to find several discussions discussing a mysterious letter that Poseur.Beauty posted earlier. It was a special 'Stardoll Update' Stardoll Newsletter that only she recieved. The letter explained that Stardoll was going to SafeChat, the same system currently used for broadcasts. Of course, many users were upset and said that they would leave Stardoll if this ever happened. HaaDiL and cutepiemormor started petitions on the subject. People were dying for proof! Poseur.Beauty picked Barnyard__Chick (a known friend) out of the suspicious crowd to go onto her account and take a screenshot for proof. The 'proof' was poorly edited and obviously fake. A while later, both the girls released that it was a little prank they planned when they were bored and they didn't want it to go that far. Did you think it was funny? Leave your comments.

The 'proof' picture: i42.tinypic.com/2rrwhus.jpg

Monday, June 15, 2009

New Girl on the Scene.

Before I get down to what I was actually hired/ promoted to do, I would like to introduce myself to you, the blog's loyal readers. We would be nothing without you! My name is Ashley and my username on Stardoll is indygirl876. & I have been given the great privilege to guest write for this blog. I special mention goes out to kaylurzz for creating my banner that I hope you get familiar with over time. Leave your suggestions for upcoming posts in comments. (:

Three Posts For The Space Of One!

Lots of news here, but I'll put them all in one post.

1. Latest craze? Omegle! You've heard of it, of corse. Every other post is a "LMAO FUNNY OMEGLE CONVO!" Yeah. I've checked out the website, and--eh. It's entertaining, but I'm getting sick of the fad pretty fast.

2. Okay, WHERE is Cori? Tink's got a new account ("Banned." How origonal. She'll be RE-banned within the week.) I mean, Cori made one other account and basically gave up. Where is she?

3.Catfights, catfights, catfights. MUST I cover them all? Hayley.500 vs emo.gamer, MiMi_LaRue vs everyone, thelina vs stardoll, GingerFreak vs all the normal people, ect. I don't even feel like going into detail. It's so pointless.

Anyways, keep your eyes out for a new blogger, in addition to Ruby (Punkii98) my friend Ashley is a new guest blogger with lots to say. (indygirl876)

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Guy or girl?
You never can tell.
Personally, I believe him.
Apparently his girlfriend died in a car crash.
That's rough...
IF it's true.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Failed Elite Outfit!

It's just AL doing what AL does best--trashing people that deserve to be trashed.
*cough* Fakeshake3 *cough*
xxhappiixx denounced this outfit in AL.
Common Reactions:
"Oh, dear god."
"And this is the fashion queen of stardoll!"
I hate judge, but I'll insert my opinion in, too.
Has she gone completely INSANE?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

LOL Brodcasts!

Have to keep this short n' sweet, but I wanna give a shoutouyt to all the brilliant ALers with the hillarious brodcasts last night!
  • Look up my skirt! Somthing is tingling!
  • I'm super cheap!
  • Things are about to get hot and spicy!
  • I have big grapes!
  • I like it in the as s!
  • Put your bannana up my skirt!
  • Let's get some a ss action!


What was your favorite?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

This Granny Takeover Is Epic!

I love when AL invades OC. This time, they did it as grannies.
The topic that started it all: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=11935458
Then, in the OC, Grandma topics ran amock. Every topic that wasn't made by an oldie was telling them to go away.
In this topic: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1&topicId=11936259&page=1
I counted a full 16 different grannies, plus one shady "ILiveInYourButt" character.
This might be the best takeover in history!

Friday, June 5, 2009

MORE Cori drama!

As if we didn't have enough.
So the story is that Cori got horny and sent a bunch of pervy messages to Prettyfoo.
The pic leaked online, and Cori addmitted that she sent them.
So Cori's bi?
And she's 12....?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The sponge_bob739/ C0Rii.R0X Fued Truth--Revealed???

Honestly, I am REALLY sick of all these fights over Cori.
The latest fight has been ended with Sponge_bob739 supposedly revealing the truth.See the full topic here: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/forum.php?id=1223790&topicId=11891332
Sounds fake to me.
If you were there for the fight, they did NOT sound like best friends.
Until Cori agrees, I'm not buying anything yet.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

spongebob_739 :: MORE HATRED!

Apparently, sponge_bob739 wanted hate, drama, and controversy--that's what she got.
She went around dissing C0Rii.R0X for the sole purpose of the entertainment it would provide later.
Lots of people are mad at her...
Take Shoffocate, Thelina, indygirl876, and MANY more.
Here are some examples...

Will the drama ever stop?

Uh, NO.

That's just how Animal-Lovers goes...


That's all for now, folks.


Another "boy", or maybe a real boy.
He posted 2 pictures, that were later found on Google Images.
When you upload them to TinyPic, they appear on Google, he claimed.
Do we believe him?
There are suspicions going on that Joejonasmustdie is Rawr_Jake.


Look at posts 2, 7, and 13.


I'll keep you up-to-date on the Rawr_Jake/Joejonasmustdie news! =]

Kelly Leaves Stardoll With A Disturbing Note.

uwishuwasmygf was actually a friend of mine on my other account.
I found it very sudden when she posted this:
Honestly, I have no idea what the story behind it is.

The note is slightly disturbing. It reminds me of an unexplained suicide note.

I'm very dissapointed that Kelly left, and she will be missed.
She was insitghtful, inspiring, and kind.

And the sad part is?
I know Kelly.
When she says she's leaving,
She means it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The devil's back!
Just Kidding
Back before she was deleted, I was just a noob on StarDoll, so I had no idea about anything.
But now she's back.

Fay (Not Fraiser!) Is Oh-So Busted!

Nice try, Fay!
Thank you, Tara (Fizzle.com) for revealing Fay's publicity scam.
xxhappiixx confirmed it for me, and then Tiiiiinkerbell HAD to admit it.
Fay has lost a lot of respect here.
If no one minds me stating the obvious here:
How desperately pathetic.

New! Tiiiinkerbell Releases Proof Pic!

New evidence!

Tiiiinkerbell's proof pic!
But I have some questions: why isn't he looking at the camera, and why is the pic so small? It kinda reminds me of Sho and Tyler's proof pics, and everyone says those were just girls trying to hide their faces and their chests.
So are you convinced?
Or are you still not buying it?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Tiiiiiinkerbell -- ATTENTION WHORE!

She just wants attention...
That was obvious from the start, to me.
Then, on MSN, one of my StarDoll friends (not mentionning names), told me she was one of Tiiiiiinkerbell's close friends.
She also told me that Tiiiiiinkerbell confided in her that she is NOT a boy.
She claims to have been, "Just bored".

--By Punkii98, June 1st, 2009

The Try Hard List!

Behold, a new account titled "TryHardList."
Basically they posted a list of people that just try too hard.

1. DamagedDan
2. Chlpe
3. xxhappiixx
4. VerizonWireless

The list may be short, but it's one I have to agree with!
What are your thoughts?

What's with all the Sho-Tyler Hate?

First Cori attacks Sho:
Then Thelina goes:
Emma's is the worst, though:
Then Sho breaks down and posts this:

Seriously people--
What's with all the hate?
It's unhealthy!

Tiiiiinkerbell is...A BOY?!

Oh. My. God.
Can you say scandal?!
As of today, June first, Tiiiiinkerbell's presentation:

Sorry if the picture is a little fuzzy. Basically he/she's saying his/her name is actually Fraiser. And he/she is a guy.

We always suspected Cole, Micheal, Derek and even Sho and Tyler of maybe NOT being boys, but we never suspected Tiiiiinkerbell of ACTUALLY being a boy!

This is crazy!

I'm not even sure I believe it. It's hard to believe anything people say on stardoll. I mean, how can you prove it?

So take the poll. Tiiiiinkerbell--boy, girl, heshe, or just an attention whore?

Omigod, Cori, Make Up Your Mind!

Let's count how many times Cori has deleted her account and got it back!
Yesterday, she deleted it, after being harassed by VerizonWireless and promised Ashley/indygirl876 on msn that she wouldn't be back.
Today, she's back! No surprise there!
Look, Cori, seriously.
Stop deleting and recovering your account. It annoys even more people, and you really don't need any more haters.