DanPuffs may write for some gigantic blog and he might be biffles with all the elites, but he's in A-L, and he has to play by our rules.
After a nice couple days of him pushing everybody around and launching into violent attacks on innocent members, he was banned.
Weither he will stay banned or not, is up for debate.
So the other day, I was screenshotting Dan in tinychat, to post here and prove he's a boy. I took the story down, as per his request, and he in turn, made a topic titled with my username.
"Shes so obsessed, she took screen shots of me in tinychat and intended to post them, she's crazy and if anyone needs to be banned it's her for endangering other members by taking pictures of them and doing gods knows what with the pictures. It's creepy, is she a pedo?"