What's the trend in A-L this week? No, it's not Elite, Wemo, or anything like that. This week? It's all about being pretty. Basic and pretty. Some examples are Becca (beccaboo1995*), Immi, (chinupchick), Tina (cmsgiiirl), and many other followers. Who would you say brought up this trend? No one for sure, but what we do know, is that a lot of A-Lers are following this new trend. What are some ways you can get this? Here's what you can try:
1. Go easy on the make up.
- Not too much eyeliner
- Light eyeshadow
- Bare lipcolor (soft pinks, nude, etc.)
- Tan blush (no bright reds, pinks, or dark browns)
- Make the highlights look natural
2. Less accessories is more.
- Use 5 accessories tops, small ones, like:
~ A necklace
~ No eyelashes (soft eyelashes are fine)
~ The hippie band
~ A clip
~ A bow
~ Earrings
(all of this should not be together, just pick a few from these)
3. Choose a simple hairstyle.
- Don't use a hairstyle that is crazy wild, choose a nice basic hairstyle. (the best are usually Starpoint hairstyles)
*You don't have to follow these tips to be pretty, this is just what is in this week.*
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