Oh no, are we having race issues again?
Yes, we are!
In fact, kastanjen-94 said that if she were God,
She'd exile all the muslums in the world to a little island,
So if they wanted to destroy something,
"They can only bomb their own country! Har! Har!"
I quote excalty.
NOW, Thelina,
[[With evidence from Syalala_Chii]]
Has even accusing her of being
Pokerface1001, AKA Tchenny, AKA Tchen, AKA Kwip, AKA Such*a*Poser.
Real name: Hannah.
And it looks like it's TRUE.
Actually, she replied, "I don't need respect from people I only know through stardoll. Lol, you people probably think I'm dissapointed."
Thelina was quick to say, "So you admit it's you. Ahaaa, fail!"
And oh-so-offenended Hannah replied, "I'm so upset. *crycrycrycry*."
I've had MY dose of drama for the day.
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