Most of us were like, "Yeah, I remember that! IS she?"
Plenty of people went, "Wait, what?"
And Scarlett1456 kindly revealed the real story.
Remember when Immi 'died' back in the first A-L?
She came back and said that she didn't die, she said taht because she was embarressed to tell us she was really pregnant.
Her due date would have been somewhere around now.
Immi wasn't sure how to tell A-L that it wasn't real.
A screenshot of a message Immi sent to Scarlett1456 proved the story.
Quite honestly, I'm relieved she's not pregnant. I'd never want that burden for a fellow A-Ler.
We're all put out that she lied, but, come on, isn't it a GOOD thing that Immi doesn't have a baby?
Ain't so sweet to make such lies of death and pregnancy.