Friday, July 31, 2009

Speaking Of Scandal...

Who knew?

Hayley did, and of course, she shared it with AL!

Secret Identities!

Well, it looks like Clarissa.
Remind you of anything?
Check out his/her proof pic:
She's on the right.
Alright, she's on the left.
So in honor of Cole showing her true identity, I've decided to let the truth out:
I'm President Obama.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cori has a wild side?!

Its-Dylan has proclaimed that he has been having a 'secret relationship' with C0Rii.R0X for the past few days.
Here are some excerpts:

"Shes against online dating but she made an exception for me. I totally love her and i enjoy watching her broadcasts, shes too beautiful. Weve gotten to the point of having suite cex. ILY SOOOO MUCH CORI."


"WE WATCH PRN TO PLEASE our cexual fantasies even though we live far apart."

Cori has denied it all, and we all got a good laugh out of it.
But who really is this 'Its-Dylan' guy anyways?

Covergirl Craze!

You couldn't have possibly missed it::

That's right.
And over in AL everyone from big names like Fay & Lila to wannabes like Sarah & Emma are begging for covergirl votes.
Well, was, until Fay, the ruler of the universe, started deleteing the topics.
How very typical.

But, I mean, if AL chose to and organized themselves, we really could have power over who gets covergirl.
Is it going to happen?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The 'Raw.' truth. ^_^

I'm not one for biased writing but ...

Fay continues to remind us that she has all the power. She is our ruler. She has control.
Okay, I understand that owning A-L is a big deal and that you should have some right to brag about it, but not respecting the members and only using the club for attention is not acceptable. Changing topic titles and deleting posts was funny and entertaining at first, but now it is just annoying and rude. Some people have started to switch over to Thelina's club, -animal-lovers-, which was originally going to used for backup when the FCers were having a reporting frenzy a few days ago. Fay is not a proud owner and frankly, I believe she's ruined the legacy of Animal-Lovers.

Leave your opinions in comments, I would love to hear what you have to say on the matter.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey Whores!


Hey! Its Mariah, MARIAH.TO.COOL, on Stardoll. If you didnt know me before, bitch, now you do. I'm so glad Bridget picked me to write at this blog. I'm going to be talking mostly of the bullshit within Animal-Lovers, which is the best fucking club in Stardoll and you should join! This is only an intro to my god-willing long lived career at this blog. You know you love me.

Xoxo, Mariah.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cori, Cori, Cori.

Cori's broadcast was epic last night. Why? Well, there was her typical singing and dancing ("Best I Ever Had"),despite cries of, "Stop it!" "Ewww!" and "No, no, noooo!"

But we also got to see HER MOM.
Yes, Cori's MOTHER!
Cori was insisting that Mom "tell us" something, and later, Cori got yelled at to get off the computer. Yeah.
That's news.

Oh, and go visit Cori's all-day guestbook party!

Oh, yeah, and keep your eyes out for Mariah, the new guest blogger!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Maddie & Cori = Soon To Be Real Life Friends?

This is an exclusive little did-you-know story, involving some characters that have been recently pegged as BFFs.

Turns out, that through a mutual friend, Maddie and Cori discovered that next year (Not this fall, next fall) They'd be in the same school.

I know I am!

Party Time, ALers!

Get your party hats on!
Two parties in a row!

And then...

I'll be there to witness it.
Will you?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cori has a breakdown at her broadcast ...

Cori did her usual mid-afternoon broadcast.
And she had a breakdown...

... that involved liquid eyeliner.

Credit to Sara (HaaDiL) for the image.

An Excuse To Show Off My Banner

Love it, or love it?
Full credit goes to mickey1959.

In other news, Scarlett's apparently got a problem with me.
I think it started with me getting mentioning that I was the AL blogger, yeah, um, BEFORE her, and now she's made it her personal goal to trash every topic I make.
Pathetic much?
She's trying WAY too hard to piss me off.
And I'm never one to feed a fight.

Stickam craze!

Everyone is doing live broadcasts!

Is it safe? No.
Is it fun? Yes.

Animal-Lovers Speak Out!

On the latest AL:
"Worst owner ever!" --fifibannana
"[Fay] posts topics and stuff unlike all the
previous owners." --ladii-looney
"[Fay is] awesome for someone that used to have alot of haters." --irrisistable.

On MiMi_LaRue:
"She's a bit stuck up her own ass." --DivaGala
"[She's] a normal girl with a bad attitude." --sixasix
"I personally never liked [Scarlett]...she always acts like she's above everyone."--zingado

On Sho/Sarah:
"I think she's an annoying girl with no life."--HaaDiL
"I think it is in the middle of a gender change."--Raw.
"Sarah was just having fun. People are free to go ahead and make a fake dude account, we shouldn't spoil her fun and hate her for it."--.Destiny-Faye.

So who do you agree with?
Who do you think needs a rain check?
Leave YOUR opinons in the comments.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cori vs Fay Sing-off?!

This morning, when Cori launched another live broadcast, she started singing.
A round of "Boo!" "Bahahaha" and "Fail!"s went through the 13 viewers.
Then Fay came on, and she joined in on the singing.
Soon a sing off was arranged.
Um, yeah.
(insert blatantly sarcastic smiley here)

So it was declared that Fay won.
Big surprise.
At peak, we had 105 viewers!

A big sarcastic round of applause.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Newest Craze In AL

Is none other than Hotel626
People who are apparently 15 are going around saying how "fxxking scary" it is.
I played it, home alone, at 10:00 PM, in my BASEMENT, and I'm 11 years old, and it didn't scare me AT ALL.
I find it boring actually.
It's easy.
I beat the game in 10 minutes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


♥ I'm surpised we haven't covered this yet, but thelina's new account is fashionista99.

♥ C0Rii.R0X is back, and has confirmed she was NOT Shoisback.

♥ Fay's competition to change her username has ended, and I am happy to say that she took my suggestion to change her name from 'Ungay' to 'Raw.'.

♥ And Sarah is still a girl. It was just an attempt at drama. *Sigh*


It won't let me post my awesome banner! D:

Stardoll's new changes - Good or bad?

Do you like Stardoll's new changes?

Yesterday afternoon, Stardoll's layout changed. And frankly, it had glitches. Many people's bestfriends lists had broken links and the new club page didn't go over very well with the members of A-L.

Last night - news broke that new hairstyles were to come out in the morning. Sure enough, 6 new hairstyles were there to greet me. They mimiked the hairstyles of celebrities like Robert Pattinson and Amy Winehouse. 50% of the people hate them, 50% only like some of them.

Clockwise from top left: Raw., donet, -Glamorous, Shoffocake., bizz97, fakeshake3

Also, the new ELLE collection came out. I personally love it - is has so much color! Once again, the vote was split, but this time everyone said they either loved it or liked some of the pieces.

People are still complaining about Sephora being gone and Dot replacing it. But now that the new white branch of the collection has come out, they don't have much to say. The white pencil eyeliner and eyeshadow everyone has been longing for is back!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Didn't we establish that Sho/ Sarah was a girl?
Apparently Sho is a girl. According to him/ her.

Seriously? No one believes you, Sarah-slash-Sho. This is just a scam for attention. You're a pathetic and compulsive liar. You are gender confused. LOOK IN YOUR PANTS DAMMIT!

I think its just to start drama in A-L, since everyone was complaining we didn't have any. Thoughts?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Just an update for you.

Like the new banner? Leave your comments.
Thank you, bambi.. for the banner!

AND ...
The last story of bambam12795 and Utada.Hikaru did turn out to be fake. Good call. Hey, at least we got some fake drama!

Oh. My. God.

Apparently now bambam12795 is a boy named James.
Who is internet dating Utada.Hikaru
There's the link to chinupchick's topic about it.
And here are the screenshots:

chinupchick's MSN convo with "James":

"James" and Utada.Hikaru's convo:

bizz97's opinion on this is...
"Soooo unbelievably fake. I bet they planned it all. It was funny, though"

My opinion is that it's fake. I mean, come on.
bambam12795 has posted pics.
AND proof pics.
Are they guys?

New A-L.

It hasn't even been a full day and the new A-L (made by Fay) has close to 500 members. Still the most active club on Stardoll, in my opinion. I think Fay is going to be a good owner. What do you think?

And meanieboy is back. She got her account un-deleted. That's a plus.

Animal-Lovers, Deleted Once More

Surprise, surprise.
AL has been deleted, AGAIN.
And I don't think it even took half an hour before another one popped up.
Owned by Ungay (for those of you who don't know, Tiiiiinkerbell's new account)
Though it already has many members, people are complaining.
"No offense, Ungay, but I liked it better when the owner never came on and no one got banned"
"This doesn't feel the same. I might go to OC"
Has AL really been reduced to the point where people are moving to OriginalClub?
There's also the question, "How did it get deleted again?"

Did the people in OC really carry out that threat and all write letters to the StarDoll Staff?

Did OC find our beloved club and report it, knowing that StarDoll was searching for it?

Did StarDoll just find our club? Delete it instantly?

There are many theories, but for now it remains a mystery.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Just An Update.

A couple interesting stories:

1. Jane's threataning to leave AL, and Chole has promised that she will. Believe her?

2. Thelina's still gone. Why hasn't she made a new account?! I'm missing her and her annoying opinonation.
EDIT:: Another clueless moment curdosy of Bridget.
Turns out Fashionista99 is Thelina!

3. MiMi_LaRue (Scarlett now.) has been hired to work for Perez's blog after Dan quit.
Guess what she'll be talking about?
Wasn't that MY job?
When I mentioned this to her, she retorted with "My blog has 700 followers! No one reads yours!"
Like she got the 700 followers herself.

4. I was thinking of hiring a new blogger, to pick an Attention Whore Of The Week. You know, some desperate attention seeking account? Anyone want the job?

5. I'll be offline for another week starting tomarrow, so keep me updated!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

More AL/OC Drama.

They're at it again.
Over in the OC, someone got an idea to send spies to AL and report on what we're saying.
Pathetic much?

Now AL is trying to report OC, and vice versa.

According to Robin, the fighting is childish and needs to stop.
Like he's around to stop it.

Oh, and a friendly message to the OCBlogger:
I thought of it first.

In other news, we're arguing about our backup club.
I vote A-L, but seriously, why do we need one?
If stardoll was going to delete Animal-Lovers, they would have done it already.


My Return!

Hello, fellow Alers.
So you may have noticed that I was AWOL for a week,
(Read--sleepaway camp. :P)
Sooooo gimme ALL the deets!
What did I miss?

Monday, July 6, 2009


Utada.Hikaru/ Lyssa's Stardoll gossip blog ( has gone a bit way too far.
Her blog with 22 followers may get deleted because of the blog entry Natasha (donet) posted on that blog earlier that day.

Blog entry:

It explains the 'truth' about MiMi_LaRue (Scarlet), bringing her personal, real life into it. Natasha, once a great writer for the blog, said that Scarlet cheated on her boyfriend and that she was a slut. She has confronted it all as lies. Scarlet has taken it further by contacting the Blogspot officals, so she can get the blog deleted and Natasha into legal trouble.

Because of the 'jail time' comment someone made, I decided to check out the laws and punishment that have been put in place for such a thing. And what I found has me nervous for her. She must be shaking in her boots. Take a look at this:

Watch your internet slander.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Is Back.

And she has a new account, SarahIsBack.
What an original name.
She's posted 2 pics so far, I think.
They both do I put this...MANLY.
She looks like a dude.
Has she posted proof yet?
I'm not sure.
She doesn't seem to have the same personality that Sho did though.
Well, if there even was a Sho, which I think there's still a possibility of.
Man or Woman?
Guy or Chick?
Boy or Girl?
Dude or Dudette?
And does anyone really give a crap anyways?!?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Incredibly accurate Stardoll poem.

If your life's fucked up and you have nothing to do,
Then come join Stardoll,
It's certainly for you.
There are wannabe emos,
Wannabe scenes,
But if you don't treat everyone well,
You'll just be called mean.
"And whats up with the lists?"
Says a greedy hoe bag,
You say your trying to be nice,
But your probably a fag.
If you pose as a guy,
Then you'll just start a fight,
But if your really a guy,
That's what you get for joining a paper doll site.
If you post fake pics,
Especially in A-L,
They might call the cops,
But it might turn out well.
A-L is a popular club,
As You SHOULD see,
Anyone can join it,
Hey, I mean its free.
And whats with all the reporting?
Most of them did nothing,
Well mostly overall,
But they might've done something.
If you want to be a SS,
Fine go ahead,
But when you find out how much it costs,
Please take a seat on the bed.
So if your life's fucked up and you have nothing to do,
Then come join Stardoll,
It'll be living hell for you.

Written by: ilovemay
